Komal Ahuja Government Policy, Infrastructure and Development, Real Estate Environmental-laws, India Urbanization, Infrastructure Development, Judicial Interventions, land acquisition, Legal Framework, Real Estate Laws, RERA, Smart Cities, Sustainable Cities, Sustainable Development, Town Planning, urban planning
Komal Ahuja Government Policy, Public Policy Anti-Corruption, Decentralization, Digital Governance, Governance in India, Indian Law, Indian Public Policy, legislative reforms, Policy Reforms, Public Administration, Transparency in Governance
Komal Ahuja Government Policy, Sports Law and Policy Indian Sports Management, Khelo India, Ministry Of Sports, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, National Sports Federations (NSFs), Sports Administration, Sports Federations in India, Sports Regulation, The Sports Authority of India (SAI)
Komal Ahuja Employee Welfare, Government Policy, Labor Law, Pension, Retirement Benefits Employees' Pension Scheme, Employees' Provident Fund (EPF), Employees' Provident Fund Organization (EPFO), EPF Act 1952, EPF Coverage and Applicability, EPF Legal Framework, EPFO Digital Initiatives, Provident Fund in India
Komal Ahuja Government Policy, Infrastructure and Development, Technology challenges of smart city mission, features of smart city mission, impacts of smart city mission, Smart Cities Development, Smart Cities in India, Smart Cities Mission India, smart cities mission objectives, smart city regulations
Komal Ahuja Government Policy, Industry, Infrastructure and Development, Steel Challenges of Steel Industry, functions of joint plant committee, history of steel industry in india, Joint Plant Committee, Role of JPC in Steel Sector, Steel Industry Data and Research, Steel Industry in India, Steel Production in India
Komal Ahuja Education Law, Government Policy, Higher Education, Technology AICTE Act 1987, AICTE Approval Process, AICTE Foundation, AICTE Functions, AICTE Initiatives, AICTE Role, All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), regulatory framework, Technical Education in India, Technical Institutions in India
Komal Ahuja Environmental Law, Government Policy, Renewable Energy challenges in renewable energy in india, Grid integration renewable energy, history of renewable energy in india, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), MNRE initiatives, Renewable Energy in India, renewable energy regulations india