Komal Ahuja Animal Rights and Protection Animal Welfare Board of India, Animal Welfare in India, Animal Welfare Laws, challenges of AWBI, establishment of animal welfare board of india, functions of animal welfare board of india, history of animal welfare in india, Initiatives of AWBI, organizational structure of AWBI
Komal Ahuja Agriculture, Animal Rights and Protection case study on livestock in india, challenges in livestock sector, history of livestock in India, Livestock Sector in India, regulation framework of livestock sector, Role of National Livestock Mission, The National Livestock Mission (NLM)
Komal Ahuja Animal Rights and Protection, Environmental Law, Textile Case study on wool industry, Central Wool Development Board, Challenges of wool sector, history of wool sector in india, regulatory framework wool sector in india, Wool Sector in India
Komal Ahuja Animal Rights and Protection 1972, Animal Rights and Welfare Laws, animal welfare laws in india, case law on animal welfare law, Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), history of animal rights, India’s Wildlife Protection Act, legal frameworks for animal welfare