Tea Board registration is essential for Indian tea exporters looking to expand their market presence and access global opportunities. This comprehensive guide provides detailed insights into the registration process, covering both offline and online methods, documentation requirements, fees, and benefits. Whether you’re a manufacturer exporter or merchant exporter, understanding the Tea Board registration process is crucial for leveraging market intelligence, financial support, and training programs. With expert assistance, navigate the complexities of Tea Board enrollment seamlessly to unlock growth opportunities and ensure compliance with regulatory standards.
What is Tea Board Registration?
Tea Board registration is governed by the Ministry of Commerce and aims to promote tea production and export of Indian tea. The Tea Board Act serves as a promotion agency for Indian tea products, supporting the tea market and enhancing exporters’ capabilities.
Purpose of Tea Board Registration
In India, the Tea Board aims to upgrade and improve the quality, productivity, and production of Indian tea products. It also facilitates exporters in reaching various destinations by providing support and promotion initiatives.
Tea Board Membership Categories
Tea Board membership is available for two categories:
Manufacturer Exporter: Engaged in manufacturing and exporting tea products.
Merchant Exporter: Trades and imports raw tea materials and exports finished tea products after manufacturing.
Advantages of Tea Board Membership
Tea Board membership offers various advantages, including:
- Market intelligence
- Financial support
- Training programs
- Access to market opportunities
- Research and development support
- Eligibility to attend major tea trade events and exhibitions
Documentation Required
The following documents are required for enrollment with Tea Board:
- Prescribed format application form with proper signature, date, and seal
- Copy of Import Export Code (IEC) issued by DGFT
- Tea Board exporter license
- Declaration on company letterhead stating regular submission of monthly export returns and NIL returns
- Application fee by Demand Draft drawn in favor of Tea Board, Kolkata
Process: Offline & Online
Offline Process:
- Apply for registration with the Tea Board.
- Obtain the Registration-cum-Membership Certificate (RCMC).
- Fill the prescribed format (Appendix-19A) and submit it to the nearest regional, head, or zonal office of the Tea Board.
Online Process:
- Visit the “EGICCS Portal of Tea Board” and sign up.
- Provide necessary details and create a username and password.
- Fill in mandatory details for RCMC and save.
- Provide additional details such as branch offices, factory details, SSI registration, and export license details.
- Attach required documents and select the payment option.
- After payment, download and upload the form.
- Apply for Tea Board registration.
- Receive RCMC within 2 working days from the date of receipt.
Fees & Validity
The fee for an RCMC license from the Tea Board is INR 5600, valid for 5 years.
Tea Board registration is a crucial step for Indian tea exporters to enhance their market presence and access global opportunities. By understanding the enrollment process, documentation requirements, and benefits of Tea Board membership, exporters can navigate the process effectively and ensure compliance with regulatory standards.