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Komal Ahuja Business, finance, GST Law, Taxation 2017, circular on inverted duty structure refund, criteria of refund of accumulated itc, Inverted Duty Structure under gst, notification on inverted duty structure refund, process of refund of accumulated itc, refund of accumulated ITC, refund under inverted duty structure, Rule 89 of the CGST Rules, Section 54 of the CGST Act
Komal Ahuja Delhi High Court, GST Law, Income Tax, Judicial Decisions 2017, cash seizure, Central Goods and Services Tax Act, Constitutional Values, definition of goods, definition of money, Delhi High Court, fairness, GST, interpretation of law, Jagdish Bansal v. Union of India, Judicial Oversight, JUSTICE, Legal Interpretation, protection, Revenue Department, search and seizure proceedings, Section 67, statutory interpretation, tax authorities, tax matters, taxpayer rights, Writ Petition